Daily Dare: 40 Days to a Radical Life

ImageWelcome to Day 4! 

When I was a girl my Pa had a blackberry bush that was so well tended it just ran over at the brim with berries. It would get so full in fact that the berries would begin to drag the branches to the ground. Growing up on a farm this verse always reminded me of what a tree or plant looks like at the time of harvest. It is incredible the weight of a tiny branch when it is running over with good fruit.

The story of David  and his giant was one of the best physical examples of what it means for evil to try to stand in the way of your harvest. David was going to become king and he had no way of knowing that. But what if he had turned and given up when he saw Goliath? Would he have gotten to enjoy the harvest? 

When God is getting ready to do something big it is not uncommon to feel heavy hearted. You may feel more weighted down than you ever have in your whole entire life! It is because the devil is exceptional at spotting harvest and trying to spoil it. A prime example to match our Radically Red challenge? The devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness for a full 40 days. Why? Because He knew that the harvest of the gospel was coming, that the words of Jesus were LIFE and that very, very soon the tomb would be found empty.

DAILY DARE #4: Plant some seeds today. If it’s not in your budget right now pick a plant or tree already in your yard. Decorate the branches of a tree with something homemade, tie on ribbons – make it a praise tree! Or simply make this spot a place of prayer, the caring of this plant being a special time with God each week. Let it serve as a reminder that growing good things takes time. Ask God to cultivate the garden of your heart and pluck any weeds that are not pleasing to Him. 


*We’d love to see pics of the plant you chose or the branch you decorated. Do you have a green thumb?


One thought on “Daily Dare: 40 Days to a Radical Life

  1. Don’t have a green thumb; but love to smell the roses. I am in awe of the beauty and delicacy of this flower … this morning as inhaling the beautiful perfume, I just wanted to be absorbed into His sweet creation. Sometimes, in the moment, life … it’s wonders … are overwhelming.

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